
We stand for Gute Chemie based on passion and reliable standards. Personal trustworthy contact with our customers and suppliers is more than just standard operating procedure for us. It is part of our corporate philosophy. Excellent cooperation amongst the abcr team makes the decisive difference. We personally take care of your concerns.

Our procedures are built on diligence, attentiveness and responsibility.

We do not exclusively rely on automated processes for quality assurance. People maintain the focus on customer wishes and product requirements – from the offer to the delivery.

Who ensures attentiveness at abcr?

  • A fixed contact partner with expertise and specialist knowledge from procurement to shipping
  • Our qualified chemists and chemical engineers are experienced in all technical matters and in process technology
  • We are not an anonymous call center – we accompany you with technical competence focussed on problem solving and first and foremost offer personal assistance
  • Employees with expertise and specialist knowledge in the areas of chemistry and process management
  • Purchasing and distribution specialists with expert knowledge in regard to all matters related to procurement, delivery times and pricing
  • Individual units and packaging
  • Logistics experts: Savvy handing of stored chemicals and worldwide shipment
  • Experts in synthesis from our own laboratory and production
  • Pros in QM: Quality assurance from the product to process operations

How do we ensure attentiveness?

  • Based on customer-oriented cooperation and pronounced adaptability to customer wishes
  • With abcr care: demanding modular, targeted quality management for raw materials that require special attentiveness
  • With high quality standards: quality policy, quality assurance, quality management and process optimisation
  • With continuous further training of our employees in all relevant areas
  • Bundling of competences in a worldwide network
  • With quick and straightforward process support
  • Support for e-commerce solutions

What is the basis for our attentiveness?

  • abcr is a family company with unbureaucratic structures and quick decision-making channels
  • Our corporate culture is characterised by flexibility, social responsibility, innovations and sustainability
  • Contact on an equal footing with customers and employees makes the decisive difference at abcr
  • Our technical expertise – we have been on the market since 1987
  • Consistency: At abcr there is little fluctuation in regard to employees and with respect to our suppliers and customers
  • Certification and quality management: ISO & QM at abcr since 1988
  • Attentiveness remains the focus for abcr and its employees – more than that: Attentiveness is an intrinsic value for us
  • We live out progress based on our longstanding experience and continuous improvement (CIP) of established processes

Attentiveness for GUTE CHEMIE.