abcr Contacts
You talk to people, not to answering machines. Because Gute Chemie is personal. You have questions? We are happy to help you!
abcr GmbH
Im Schlehert 10
76187 Karlsruhe
Phone +49 721 95061-0
Fax +49 721 95061-80
abcr departments
You would like to contact your contact person in the department? Our teams are at your disposal.
abcr International – Subsidiaries
For more proximity and service. Use the advantages of abcr in your country. You will profit from the simple business transaction in the local language and local currency. Contact us, your personal local contact person will be happy to help you.
Spaces Part-Dieu · 49, Boulevard Marius Vivier Merle
69003 Lyon · France
Phone +33 4 72913100
New Work Junction · Dublin Road · Kilkenny
Co. Kilkenny · R95 VP83 · Ireland
Phone +353 56 7738016
Suite 1F77 & 78, Block 1 · Alderley Park
Congleton Road · Nether Alderley
Macclesfield · SK10 4TG · United Kingdom
Phone +44 161 8187062

Gostinichnaya Street, bld. 5, access 1, off 308
127106 Moscow · Russian Federation
Phone & Fax +7 495 96641-81
2nd Khoroshevsky pr-d. 7, bld. 14, of. 307
123007 Moscow · Russian Federation
Phone & Fax +7 495 96641-81
abcr Production – Gute Chemie from Europe
Commitment to specialty chemicals knows no national borders - production plant for fine chemicals and specialty materials in Forcarei / Spain. The company-owned production facility abcr labs with 6,000 m2 offers customer-specific syntheses, product and process development, scale-up and commercialization since 2010.

ABCR Laboratorios, S.L.
abcr – country representatives worldwide
abcr goes worldwide - Good chemistry asserts itself on the global market. As an internationally operating company, you will find the right contact person worldwide. Talk to us, we are there for you on site.